Loving what you do... Your passion
Dad taught me at a very young age, if you’re going to do something, do it right. To the best of your ability. There’s nothing worse than...

Learning on the Fly
As an author, one can never stop learning, never stop researching, never stop working to improve one's craft. That includes future work,...

Revisions, Rewrites and Corrections
Revisions and rewrites. How do you know when it's time to stop? At any given time, there are endless scenes running through my head. But,...

The First Word...
Write... write... write... When you talk to most writers or writing coaches they'll tell you write more. Keep writing, don't stop. Write...

A Dog's Life
For us writers, there's always a beginning, a middle and an end to every story... and somewhere in the mix is a sudden realization, a...

Lessons Learned
Everything in life has a learning curve - some steeper than others. Some you can learn, get tutoring on, study... and some, you just...